Green Trails Improvement Association
Communications & Technology Committee
The Communications and Technology Committee has oversight responsibility for providing leadership, planning, and coordination for Green Trails Improvement Association’s (GTIA's) communications and technology which includes communications regarding GTIA elections, communications of a general nature to homeowners, and publications. The committee makes recommendations to the board regarding policies, contracts, and budgets in these areas. Additionally, designated committed members may have specific assignments in analysis, production, review, or oversight.
Propose Budget for Communications and Technology and participate in Budget drafting & review meetings.
Announcements. The fifteen Directors are elected to the Green Trails (GT) Board of Directors from specific areas (A-O) based on a predetermined election schedule. The term of office for the Director position is three years. With a staggered schedule, it is intended that one-third be elected each year. Elections to fill a vacancy for an unexpired term are for the balance of the term. Working with the Nominating Committee, the Communications and Technology Committee Chair ensures that announcements for areas open for election, related terms of office, and candidate forms are publicized in the Pathfinder. ​
Results. In early October, the Managing Agent sends election ballots to each unit owner in each respective area. Write-in candidates are allowed with the candidate’s permission. At the Annual Meeting in November, ballots received by the mail-in deadline and any ballots cast during the meeting are tallied by the Communications and Technology Committee Chair or her/his designee and she/he announces the results. In years where the Communications and Technology Committee Chair is running for re-election, a member of the committee who is not running for re-election shall count the ballots and announce the results.
Publications and Electronic Media
Green Trails Pathfinder
The association’s monthly newsletter is mailed to all GT members and associate members, generally around the first of each month. It includes association communications, community news, and general interest information. The Communications and Technology Committee Chair or her/his designee edits and is the final approver of the publication prior to printing. In instances where an article may be of a particularly sensitive nature, there should be consultation with GTIA’s President before final approval of the publication.​
Green Trails Welcome Brochure/Information Packet
The Managing Agent sends this brochure or packet to new residents. The packet includes information about GT, GTIA, local government, community services, things to do, places of interest, etc. The Communications and Technology Committee Chair or her/his designee works with the GTIA Board and Managing Agent to ensure that the packet contents are up-to-date and appropriate.
- Website
The website is used to promote the GT community and to communicate with unit owners and renters. The Communications and Technology Committee Chair or her/his designee(s) works with the Board, Managing Agent, and/or third-party website maintenance vendor to make sure the Website provides useful and up-to-date information.
The Communications and Technology Committee shall make recommendations to the Board with respect to technology-related projects and investments.
The Communications and Technology Committee shall stay informed of, assess, and advise the Board with respect to existing trends in information technology, new technologies, applications, and systems that relate to or to optimize GTIA operations.
Scheduled as needed.​​