The Green Trails Improvement Association (GTIA) Board and Management would like to thank the residents for their feedback as they evaluated the delivery of the Pathfinder newsletter via paper, e-mail, or a combination thereof. After several months of careful consideration, the Board has decided that an electronic version of the Pathfinder via email is the optimal choice. This approach aligns with GTIA’s commitment to environmental responsibility while also presenting a substantial cost-savings opportunity for the Association.
Therefore, beginning in July 2024, the Pathfinder newsletter will be delivered via email only. If you have not been receiving the Pathfinder via email, please contact the office at 630-415-8293 or email gtia@greentrails.org so you can be added to the e-mail mailing list. Similarly, if you unsubscribed to the electronic version of the Pathfinder, you will need to contact the office to start receiving the digital Pathfinder again. June will be the last paper issue.
The Pathfinder can also always be viewed on our website at www.greentrails.org/pathfinder. The electronic versions of the Pathfinder will serve the same purpose as the printed version to communicate specific information, including meeting notices (regular, special, and annual), annual budget, etc., to GTIA members. Any member who is unwilling or unable to supply a valid email address to the Association will need to visit the website to retrieve information published in the electronic version of the Pathfinder.