As many of our residents may have noticed, the DuPage Forest Preserve District has been clearing two major areas adjacent to Green Trails of many invasive plant species. These areas are Hickory Grove and Egermann Woods. Additionally, the Lisle Park District has taken the initiative to clear parks within Green Trails of certain invasives.

In conjunction with the efforts taken by the Forest Preserve and Parks organizations, GTIA is exploring options to control two of the predominant invasive plant species, found in many of our common areas, Honeysuckle and Buckthorn. One section of the common area has been identified for an initial trial effort and a contract was awarded for removal and treatment late last year. However, the Board recognizes that to exercise effective control over the reoccurrence of these species, we will need to extend it to all properties within the area.
In this regard, the Board is appealing to property owners within Green Trails to make sure that any Honeysuckle and Buckthorn (see photos below) growing within their property are removed and reoccurrence is prevented.
Invasive species can harm the ecology of our community, interfere with residents’ use of the trail system, and result in higher GTIA maintenance costs. Consequently, we are appealing to our residents to do their part to help address this situation.