Joe Broda
Area I - Surrey Ridge 1 & GTIA Board Treasurer
Joe and his wife Joanne, along with their three young daughters, moved into Green Trails in 1978 and his GTIA involvement started in 1979. Now they are proud grandparents of five grandchildren. Joe is retired from Lucent
Technologies after a long career with them. Joe has an extensive background of involvement with the community and over the last 44 years, he has been an asset to the GITA board. Over those years, he has helped shape Green Trails into what it is today. Joe is a former Lisle Village Trustee, served 15 years (1986-2001), and the former Lisle Village Mayor of 16 years (2001-2017). Currently Joe is active member of the Volunteers 4 Lisle, which is an operational unit of the Lisle Police Department and part of the Lisle Emergency Management Agency. Also, he currently serves on the DuPage Water Commission.